Trained Intake Specialists,
By Intake Specialists.
We believe Criminal Defense Attorneys did not choose their profession, dedicate years to their education, and build their own firm, only to be bogged down by the complexities of converting prospective clients.
Our dream is for all our Zealous Advocates we serve to spend their time doing what they do best:
• Crushing and Winning in Court
• Defending the Client's Freedom & Protecting Their Future
• Have the Capacity To Enjoy the Rewards of Their Efforts
In order to avoid stagnation or, in worse cases, regression, we address the fundamental flaw with how talent is currently being outsourced.
☑ Intake specialists must be given the opportunity and have the capacity to grow over time at no additional cost to their clients.
We equip our specialists with the capacity to grow, evolve, and progress, without having the need to invest time, money, or resources of the defense firm.
☑ We feel that the assumption that the value of intake specialists is limited to answering calls and setting consultations, and that we have less influence over converting clients, is unsubstantiated.
Our belief is that we hold the most influence in delivering conversions, spending the most time interacting with clients, serving as the first and last point of contact.
☑ Our strategy involves engaging with clients with a framework and intention to educate, add value, and become a resource.
While concurrently breaking down and simplifying complex terminologies and topics of criminal law.
☑ There is an existing pool of talent in Filipino virtual assistants and intake specialists that, if done empathetically, meticulously, and ethically, can thrive.
It is very possible to build a team of individuals with raw intelligence and strong
potential for your practice.